Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Why “The Wisdom of Chicken Road?”

The short answer is that just plain ole “Chicken Road” was already taken. It is not active, but someone beat me to it nine years ago, long before I knew what a blog was.

The wisdom part is not me, for sure. I lived on Chicken road for over 34 years. When I left, I took part of it with me and I think about it often. My family had lived there for over 50 years when my mother, the last of them, died. There were a lot of stories, and a lot of wisdom there. My grandparents, aunts, uncles, parents and brother spent a lot of time there. They all taught me lessons; life lesson. I didn’t know them all, but I learned from them.

I hope to write some of those lessons here so that that I won’t be the last generation to learn from William Wesley, Rosa Irene, George Elwyne, Georgia Ellen, Fred Houser, Freddie Paul, James Leroy, Rosa Belle, Rebecca Irene and James Elwyne. Each of them have a story all their own and I want my children to know them. Of course there will be other stories too, stories about small town living in the south and places that there will never be a book written about. But these are stories that shouldn’t die, at least not yet.

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